Google 21st Birthday: Google is celebrating its own birthday, 1998 memories seen in Google Doodle

Google 21st Birthday: Google is celebrating its own birthday, 1998 memories seen in Google Doodle

Google's 21 Birthday: Google (Google), one of the world's largest companies, is celebrating its 21st birthday by making doodles on its own today. Google has shown an old computer in Doodle, in which a CPU, monitor, keyboard and mouse of that era made in a picture are shown.

Google's 21 Birthday: Google, one of the world's largest companies, is celebrating its 21st birthday by making doodles on its own today. Google has shown an old computer in Doodle, in which a CPU, monitor, keyboard and mouse of that era made in a picture are shown. '989 27' (27 September 1998) is also seen in this picture. The current CEO of Google is Sundar Pichai of Indian origin. It is known that in 1998, the idea of ​​creating a large-scale search engine came to the mind of two computer graduates Larry Page and Serge Brin. This was his project during his PhD. Today, Google is the largest platform as an Internet search engine.

We all use Google every day. Google, the world's largest search engine, was started in 1996 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin during a research project. The domain was registered on 15 September 1995. Google was registered as a company on 4 September 1998. Today Google is available in more than 150 languages. Today on the occasion of Google's birthday, we are going to tell you 5 special things related to Google.

5 special things related to Google's history

1. Google was started 20 years ago by two PhD students from Stanford University, Larry Page and Sergey Brin. He first created an internet search engine at the address. Which was renamed BackRub and later changed to Google.

2. On 15 September 1995, the registration of domain was done. But Google was registered as a company on 4 September 1998.

3. When Google was launched in 1998, there were around 25 million (25 million) pages on the entire World Wide Web (www). At that time Google's algorithm was excellent, in the time of searching anything, 25 million pages could get information.

4. The purpose of creating Google was to make information available to people all over the world.

5. Today Google is the largest search engine in the world. Today Google manufactures everything from operating systems to mobile devices.

Keywords :- Googles 21 Birthday, Google Doodle, Throwback, Box Computer, गूगल 21वां जन्मदिन, गूगल डूडल, बॉक्स कम्प्यूटर, google birthday, happy birthday google, google, sundar pichai


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