10 Steps that you can Follow to Start and Grow a Successful Blog.

Jaya Talpada

10 Steps that you can Follow to Start and Grow a Successful Blog. 

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 Image Source : pixabay.com

All right, what's up you guys, and we're gonna be diving in how to start a blog, how to grow a blog, and eventually make money with that blog, I'm going to be going into detail step by step right here in this video, and I have 10 steps that you can follow to start and grow a successful blog. Now before we dive in. I have an entire guide that you guys can follow along with this post, and I'll pull it up on the screen so you guys can see it right now. 

So before I get into this, and I just send you off and give you step by step. I'm going to go over 

# Step Number 1 - Topics 

Which is probably one of the most important things to understand, and that is to find your why. Now I like I said I could just send you guys off and say step one do this step two do this now I'm going to go into those steps, but it's very, very important to understand why do you want to create a blog or a website. 

What is your driving force behind it because the reality is that most people want to start and grow a blog to make money, which is great. I think you guys should do that pretty easily made money with my own blog and brand online. But here's the deal. The reason that most people fail is because they don't have that true deep. Why, what's the reason behind it. 

A lot of times, this has to do with your own personal values in what you're growing a blog about whether that be to create a business that can give you time freedom or spend more time with your family, or you just want freedom in your life or maybe you want to travel. It's very important to establish your life.

# Step Number 2 - Choose a Domain Name 

Is to choose a domain name that represents your brand. This is probably one of the most important things when it comes to the branding aspect of growing your blog. I actually have a place where you can plug in domain names and start to think about what did, what do you want to name your brand. 

Now I'm going to give you guys a couple different options when it comes to actually naming your brand. The first one is to come up with a brand that represents your values, what do you stand for, for as far as your blog and brand goes now for me personally here's an example, my brand is called freedom influencer and the reason that I chose freedom influencer is because I wanted to share with people, a path, a different way of escape the nine to five, and to understand that they can truly, create a life of freedom by building their own online business. 

how to start a blog and make money

That is what my brand stands for. That is why I named it freedom influencer. So I want you guys to think about that and go to that, the guide that I have for you and start plugging in different names to see if they're available. Now the second way that you can come up with a name for your own brand is a self named brand, this would be your name so an example for me would be Nathan lucas.com right so whatever your name is. You would leverage that and use it as your brand.

# Step Number 3

Is to get started with WordPress. There's a lot of different options that you can choose to create a blog and a website, and I'm going to share with you guys something very powerful in why you would want to use WordPress First of all, I believe it was, there's over 75. million websites on the internet that run on WordPress WordPress and there's a reason for it.Okay, it comes out to something like over 30% of the entire internet is ran on WordPress WordPress alone. 

Now some of the reasons that most people think that they don't want to get started with WordPress is because of coding they think it's too hard, but that's not the case and I'm going to talk about that a little bit later in another step, but what I want you to understand, and it's very important, why you should be using a WordPress website is because you will actually own your blog, okay you set up hosting. And when you have hosting you install WordPress on your blog and you actually own your blog if you use third party websites. 

Alright, and I'm not going to give any names out there but they're basically done for you, websites that you can create a website on, you do not own your blog, what do I mean by that, what do you what do I mean by you don't own a blog, I'll put it to it very, put it to you very simply. If you create a blog on a done for you solution website.

You are now under their website so let's just say that they want to change their terms of service, and you you don't comply maybe your website doesn't comply with their new Terms of Service, guess what, it's the same thing on social media how you don't own an Instagram account you don't own your Facebook right. You won't be owning your blog, and you're putting your blog at risk of getting shut down this is why it's very important that I believe everyone who's serious about growing a successful blog and business on the internet, should be using WordPress.

# Step Number 4

Is to pick a theme. Now, what is a theme, when we're talking about a website and we're talking about WordPress, choosing a theme is simply the design of your website. What is it going to look like for users when they come to your website now, it may be tempting to use a free WordPress theme which you absolutely can do, but I recommend using a premium theme. Now a premium theme, simply means that you're paying for the theme. 

Now why would you want to pay for a theme. When you can get a free theme. And the reason is, first of all, is functionality. When you purchase a premium theme, you are going to unlock many features that you otherwise wouldn't have, if you chose a theme that was completely free. 

how to start a blog for free

The other reason is because you can customize it to you, which you what I mean by that is you can customize the look. Right. And so in that guide that I'm sharing with you. I give you two recommendations. Okay. And I'm going to share those with you right now. The first one is a theme called Divi, This is my Elegant Themes now I personally have had this theme. And why would you want to choose the Divi. First of all, this theme is known for its beauty. So, if you want something that looks beautiful and amazing looking website.

Then I recommend choosing the Divi theme, because the, the customization and templates that they already have in place. So, for people, especially if you're something like a photographer, or a coach or consultant, you can really make your theme look amazing and chances are that if you've come across a blog that is simply just had that wow factor because it was so beautiful, the chances are that it was on TV or pretty high. 

Now there's another one that I want to recommend to you guys. The second one is called Thrive Themes. Now why would you want to choose Thrive Themes over the Divi theme. The Thrive Themes is built for marketers. Okay, so your sole purpose of starting your blog right now is for creating a business if you know that you, you're going to love marketing to grow a business, then I would recommend starting with Thrive Themes, and the reason is because it is an all in one marketing platform, and they have many different plugins and they have themes that are built to help you generate leads and build a business. Number five, and the most important part is to create and publish. 

# Step Number 5

If you want to start a successful blog post. If there's anything that you take away from this video please understand this, the people that create success. All right, what separates the successful bloggers from the unsuccessful bloggers, is that the people who create content on a consistent basis are the ones who win the race, a lot of people start blogs, a lot of people start online businesses, and they create websites, wanting to start their own business, but they never create success because they never gave themselves, a chance. And if you want a chance. If you want to guarantee your success.

 I want you to think of it as a long term strategy, you're going to have to create blog posts, you're going to have to be consistent with it, and you're going to have to do it for an extended period of time. And this is the mindset that winners have, this is what separates the losers from the winners. When it comes to creating a blog and creating success with it. And I promise you, I promise you, if you have a long term strategy and you continue to provide value to the marketplace and continue to publish blog posts, you will start to gain traction.

# Step Number 6 - share your posts on social media.

Is to share your posts on social media. This is especially important when you are just starting out, because when you start to blog blog and start publishing posts in the very beginning, nobody is going to see your blogs, and a lot of people get frustrated with this but you have to understand, it's okay that nobody's seeing your blogs, right, you just started nobody even knows it exists.

This is why it's very important to leverage social media, share your blog posts when you're coming out with them share them on any and every single platform that you can. Here's what I recommend though, for those of you who get confused or you think this is too much to share your blog post. 

I want you to simply share your blog posts on social media platforms that is easiest for you, because a lot of people spent you know they spent a lot of time trying to share their blog posts on way too many different sites, they get frustrated and they get burnt out. So what I would, I would recommend to you guys is to pick two or three platforms that is easy where you can build a routine around sharing your blog posts and again, this is very very important when you first start out now later on, I'm going to teach you guys a little, a little bit more about marketing and how you can continue to grow your blog posts and you won't have to share your blog post as much later on when you start to gain traction but in the very beginning, it's very important to share your blog posts.

# Step Number 7 - email list

Is to build an email list. When you build an email list. This is what I call, okay, this is so powerful. This is what I call traffic on tap. What that means is every time you publish a new blog post. When you start to build an email list. This is amazing because now you can send an email to however many subscribers you have on your list and you can automatically start to bring in eyeballs on your new content.

This is very important as much time as your email list grows, and you continue to provide value to your email list inside of your blog post. We're going to automatically getting traffic to your blog, which gives it a boost and a lot of people don't talk about this, but one of the main reasons that it's so powerful to grow an email list and send your email list, emails, promoting your own blog posts, is because of that boost that it gives, okay, it's going to start giving you an edge in Google. All right, and this is the reason it's so powerful to build an email list now, there's a couple of different things that you're going to need, when it comes to growing in my email list. 

The thing is you're going to need a capture page, survey. This is the process of well someone's going to come to a one page website, where you're asking them for their email now a lot of blogs, you'll see, subscribe to my newsletter, I don't recommend doing that okay what I recommend you guys do is think about your target audience, and also think about what are their needs, what are their one thing about something that you can create as the lead magnet that you give away for free.

You'll get away for free, they can exchange for their email. Right. I actually share with you a recommendation that you guys need to remember when building these lead capture pages. The second thing that you need is something called an email autoresponder, okay, this is an email service allows you to collect and store them in one place, and there's a there's a couple things that's really cool about this first one is, you can actually create an email, all sequence. So let's just say that you create an E book that you're giving away for free. 

Okay, in exchange for someone's email. Once they put them into his ebook, you can send automatically right to their email address, they can go get it at their email but not only that, you can also plug it in an email sequence let's just say it's a week long. And you email them different things. This is important because you can build trust and then you can also sell to your audience. Okay, this is probably an email list, right, you need these two things you need a capture page service, and you also need an email auto responder 

# Step Number 8 -  Build a Community

Is to build a community and grow your audience or grow your audience, and build up immunity to how do you do this, how do you actually grow your audience and it's very simple you guys, you can continue.You can continue to provide valuable information to. 

All right, this one we're talking about branding and building a community, and building an audience, it's okay to do this on a consistent basis you will build an audience. 

One trick that I want to share with you has to do with branding is to really take a stand on what you stand for whatever that means. Whatever your brand is about. You have beliefs, you have something that you believe in. In, why you're doing what you're doing. I want to be very firm on this, when you're sharing. 

When you're sharing blog posts with your audience and your community. And a lot of times it's very beneficial to be polarizing right why because people who become diehard fans have, have you in your blog in your brand is, a lot of times it's because you're polarizing you take a stand for something. All right, in the way that you build this faster, is to continue to publish content on a regular basis and leveraging email marketing, I promise you, when you stay consistent. You will grow your, your audience and you will grow your brand.

 # Step Number 9 - Making Money 

Now we're talking about making money is to actually sell to your audience. All right. A lot of people don't want to talk about this old selling right but but if you want to create a business. This is a step that you can take to sell your audience. All right, and I'll talk about this in that guide, if you guys are following along, but one of the things that you can do but let's just say that you have nothing to sell you don't know what to sell. I'm gonna share something with you on how you can create something to sell here in just a minute. We're the easiest way. 

The easiest ways to get started in making money. taking money from your blog is something called affiliate marketing. Okay, this is where you become started. Making money from your blog is something called affiliate marketing. 

This is where you become an affiliate of someone else's products and services and you promote them as an affiliate, and when. 

how to write a blog and make money

Just a minute. But one of the easiest ways. The easiest ways to get started in making money from your blog is something called affiliate marketing. Okay, this is where you become an affiliate of someone else's products and services, and you promote them as an affiliate. And when a sale is made as a result of your marketing your promotion or recommendation. You are going to start making commissions from it. Okay. Now, if you guys want to go into more detail, I have written a full blog post on this, and it's an entire guide about affiliate marketing.

If you don't want to do, affiliate marketing I also think there's something else. That's very powerful with you guys. All right, there's a couple of things there's a couple things that you can do. You can do coaching. So whatever your blog is about. And I know this doesn't apply to everyone, but you can do coaching or consulting. This is a very fast way to start making money, however, please understand that these two ways, all a little powerful, you're trading time for money. Okay, this is not going to be able to give yourself passive income, but it will allow you to make money from your blog in your getting started. 

Now I know a lot of people may be in fitness right. So maybe you want to do some coaching, some coaching fitness or have program degree work one on one with people, and you can even do this, virtually on Skype or on a Hangout right. 

But the other thing that I wanted to share with you can leverage to start making money just selling digital products is so easy nowadays, to create courses and pack all of your knowledge. In this course, and be able to sell it for a premium price. And guess what, if you guys follow set up, eight, like I shared with you guys, you will start to regrow your brain and people will want to buy what it is that you have to offer. Not only will they want to buy it, but they won't be happy to pay you the money for it. This is the power of the internet and growing a successful blog. 

# Step Number 10 - Creating a Successful Blog

The final step that I want to share with you guys about creating a successful blog is to take massive action. I talked about this a little bit earlier but guess what the difference was unsuccessful, and successful are the people take massive action. All right, this is exactly how I've been able to create a successful online business. And if you see all these other bloggers. No, no, sometimes it can be frustrating to see all these different people making all this money on the internet or from blogging and you're sitting here so as scratching your head, and maybe you might be wondering why is it that I should make money. And I'm telling you right now, the people that make the most money are action takers. 

You have to understand that the key to your freedom is by creating in the faster and you understand that in the quicker you can start repeating content, even if you think your content sucks. you will get better over time, so powerful to understand this. 

Successful people have something in common. They are creators, they continue to publish content. They do create valuable content and give it to the marketplace. Okay. That is what you must do to create success. I'm gonna give you guys a bonus tip. Because I personally. They made great create 30 successful business around this next thing which you can actually integrate with blogging, and that's to create a YouTube channel. Now I know that you're here for blogging, which means you, you want to do, writing, okay, this is the form of written content, but if you guys can understand how regrowing abandoned getting on camera. 

Just like I'm doing right now, it will 10 x your business. 10 X, but your your connection with your audience. And also, when your income through your business and blogging by starting a YouTube channel. This is a simple thing that you can do. I decided to shoot a video just like this is just basically an outline of the entire this entire process. 

You can take blogging, you can pepper it with creating videos just like this. And it's even more powerful. So if you guys liked this video, go down, hit that thumbs up if you liked this video, you think that anyone else to get value out of this. Share this Post.

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